Your Voice Matters

Get Involved Now!

How do we identify what people with diabetes really need? By involving them of course! That’s exactly why we have established the DCB Lived Experience Panel and why involving our community in every step of the way matters to us so much. By actively listening to the voices of the diabetes community, we want to ensure that the ideas we help develop are truly patient-centric. Help us get there by engaging in our activities and participating in our studies!

How to Get Involved

Become a Lived Experience Expert!

At DCB, we want to light a fire under the diabetes innovators of the world
And we have a plan: we’ve set our sights on a clear vision and mission – to make life better for people with diabetes by changing diabetes treatment forever. To do this, we identify unmet needs and help translate science into real solutions that meet those needs.

So how do we identify what people with diabetes really need? By involving them of course!
That’s why we want you to become one of our patient leaders and therefore a part of our international community of innovators, experts, researchers and people with diabetes from all over the world.

New diabetes technologies

You will be the first one to test new diabetes technologies as a beta user

DCB feature

We will feature you and your story in the DCB newsletter, on our websiteand on our social media channels


Keynote session

You have the opportunity to hold a key note session in the programme ofthe DCB the Innovators’ Circle on a topic in which you are an expert

Interdisciplinary network

You will be part of an international, interdisciplinary network of diabetesinnovators, researchers and industry experts

Support for your activities

You will get the possibility to receive support for your activities and have access to events and to the DCB facilities

So, what do you think?

By actively involving you and your voice, we want to ensure that the ideas we help develop are truly person-centred. Become our next DCB Lived Experience Expert and join us on our mission to make life better for people with diabetes!

Let us know what you think and send an email to!

Get a Seat at the Table!

Become an active part of cutting-edge diabetes research and explore current opportunities to participate in our clinical studies:

Sign up for our newsletter and stay up to date.

* Pflichtfelder

DCB Research AG

Freiburgstrasse 3
3010 Bern