Wound Infection Project

19 · Dec · 2024

Understanding immune dysregulation in obesity and diabetes

Obesity and diabetes, which are both rapidly increasing in prevalence world-wide, are considered multifactorial in their pathogenesis, including genetic and environmental factors. Amongst the latter, the gut microbiota and bacteria-derived metabolites have been described to contribute to disease development. Obesity and diabetes are both characterized by a chronic low-grade inflammatory state (“metaflammation”). However, despite the chronic immune activation, obese and diabetic patients are considered immunosuppressed leading to an increased risk for and inferior outcome during infections. This results in increased morbidity and mortality. 

The mechanisms leading to immune dysfunction and increased infections in obesity and diabetes are unclear and the main focus of this project. 

Projekt team: Marzia Burgunder, Yousef Maali, Andrea Celoria, Melanie Scalise
Funding: Helmut Horton Foundation

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* Pflichtfelder

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