DCB Open Innovation Challenge

The Challenge

Can your idea change diabetes management forever?

In the last years, diabetes technology has made enormous progress in improving the lives of people with diabetes. However, there is still a great unmet need for innovative technology solutions that help ease the burden of diabetes and improve the lives of people who have it. 

Therefore we invite start-ups and innovators to share their ideas and projects on diabetes management. We will provide our expertise, network of experts and access to funding to help develop and accelerate selected projects.

Applications to the challenge are closed at the moment. Sign up to our Innovation Platform to view all submitted ideas and contribute to community discussions – and follow us on Social Media to always stay in the loop!

More than 350 projects & start-ups …

… have applied to our Innovation Challenge the past three years. We launched the Challenge in 2021, with the aim of finding innovative solutions in diabetes technology on a global level. Since then, more than 840 members from more than 40 countries have joined our Innovation Platform – and they all share one common goal: to make life with diabetes easier.

Find out more below!

What’s in it for you?

Do you have an innovative idea to facilitate change diabetes management forever? Want to see how your idea becomes reality? Do you have valuable insights to help co-create the diabetes technology of tomorrow? Do you have feedback to share with others in the community?


  • A chance to win 100,000 USD in funding and in kind support towards developing your innovation
  • A safe harbour where you can share with confidence, knowing that your idea remains entirely YOURS
  • Kick-start your business with first class mentoring and access to our customised services
  • Plug into a network of industry experts, mentors and connect with other diabetes innovators
  • Get access to exclusive events, like our famous DCB Dinner attended by experts, investors and corporate partners

Where do you fit in?

Whether you are a start-up, a healthcare professional, a researcher or an individual with an idea or insight into how to improve life with diabetes, we want to hear from you! Join a team of innovators and be part of an innovative community at the forefront of diabetes technology. You can be an active part of the diabetes technology innovation movement and make a big impact with us!


Who can participate in the Open Innovation Challenge?

Whether you are a start-up, a health care professional, a researcher, or an individual with an idea or insight into how to improve life with diabetes, we want to hear from you!

How do I submit my solution?

The Innovation Challenge 2024 is over and we are currently not accepting any applications. Stay tuned for the next edition in 2025!

Who will own the idea?

You will, of course, retain all rights to your solution. DCB doesn’t take over intellectual property rights.

Can I participate even if I don’t have an idea?

Yes, the Challenge is open to anyone who wants to work on innovation in diabetes technology. Even if you don’t have an idea, you can participate by joining a team or just sharing your feedback and expertise.

Can other participants see my idea?

All participants on the platform can see each other’s submissions. Therefore, please ensure that you do not submit any confidential materials or information

Can I submit more than one idea?

Yes, you can! Please submit as many great ideas as you have! Simply fill out individual idea forms for each solution you submit.

What are the review and selection criteria?

Need: Does the idea address an important problem or need among people living with diabetes?

Problem-solution fit: Does the idea propose a good solution for addressing the need?

Innovation: Does the idea propose promising new ways to address the need identified?

Feasibility: What is the likelihood that the idea can be brought to fruition?

Impact: Does the idea have the potential to change the lives of people living with diabetes in a meaningful way?

How can I contact the project team?

We’d love to hear from you! Please contact us at innovation@dcberne.com

Key Accomplishments over the 4 years of Innovation Challenge


Start-ups from 40 different countries


Individual Bootcamp-Mentoring


Innovation Platform members


Start-Up Night Events




(15 with active support)





Our finalists






Ask us anything

Do you have questions? Are you unsure if your idea fits in? Don’t hesitate!

Reach out to the DCB Innovation team via innovation@dcberne.com or take the chance and book a 15’ virtual coffee slot.
We are always happy to help.

DCB Start-Up Night 2024

Sign up for our newsletter and stay up to date.

* Pflichtfelder

DCB Research AG

Freiburgstrasse 3
3010 Bern