DCB newsletter #8: How to collaborate with DCB or: we’d love to hear from you!
„How can we work with you?“ „Where can I submit my idea?“ „Which projects do you support?“ These are questions that we are often asked at the DCB and to which there more than one answer, because we have various options at our disposal to help ideas reach market maturity.

Firstly, ideas and existing projects can be submitted to the DCB Open Innovation Challenge. The following criteria are relevant:
- Need: Does the idea address an important problem or need of people with diabetes?
- Problem and solution fit together: Does the idea offer a good solution to the need?
- Innovation: Does the idea offer promising new ways to meet the identified need?
- Feasibility: How likely is it that the idea can be realised?
- Impact: Does the idea have the potential to change the lives of people with diabetes in a meaningful way?
If these questions can be answered with „yes“, the idea or project can be presented to the DCB within the communicated application deadlines. It does not matter whether a start-up company, a family member or someone from the healthcare sector or research is participating. What is important is that the innovative approach helps improve the lives of people with diabetes. Participating startups will benefit from professional expert feedback, and the top three projects in each of the Diabetes Devices and Digital Diabetes categories will receive access to a bootcamp. The finalists will receive prize money of up to USD 100,000, including in-kind support. The DCB Innovation Challenge is one of the world’s largest diabetes awards with international reach.
Support from the innovation team and a unique investment fund
Another possibility, in addition to the DCB Open Innovation Challenge mentioned above, is direct support from the innovation team. Through the targeted financial support of projects that meet the criteria, ideas can be identified, implemented and brought to market maturity.
If there is a high growth potential, the Swiss Diabetes Venture Fund, which is unique in Europe, can be a suitable partner. The fund is aimed at start-ups with a focus on diabetes technology. Through its partners, the SDVF combines various competences from deal flow, company building, network, research facilities and comprehensive medical technology knowledge. The fund was established in 2021, in partnership between Swiss Startup Group AG (SSUG), Simon Michel and the DCB. There are already three start-ups in the fund’s portfolio: Supersapiens, Digital Diabetes Analytics and Piomic Medical.
If you’ve read until here, thank you ?!
If you’d like to collaborate with us, contact us here: innovation@dcberne.com
If you want enjoy the unique DCB atmosphere and enjoy the second edition of our start-up night? Book your seat here!
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3010 Bern